@echo off echo **************************************************************************** echo ABAQUS BATCH SCRIPT v1.0 by AYP echo **************************************************************************** echo Enter .inp filenames separated by a space (e.g. test1 test2 test3) set /P test= echo Enter # CPUS (e.g. 4) set /P cpus= echo Set RAM in mb (e.g. 4000) set /P ram= set count=0 set current=0 cls for %%1 in (%test%) do set /A count+=1 for %%1 in (%test%) do ( echo **************************************************************************** echo Running %%1 call :subroutine echo **************************************************************************** call abaqus job=%%1.inp cpus=%cpus% memory=%ram%mb interactive timeout 5 cls ) echo **************************************************************************** echo FINISHED RUNNING THE FOLLOWING JOBS for %%1 in (%test%) do echo %%1 echo **************************************************************************** pause :subroutine set /a current+=1 echo %current% of %count% goto :eof